AgroBioComplex Soil Fertility Mix

Convert clay-type or other degraded soil into black soil
Populate soil with probiotics
Provide mycorrhiza signalling molecules, humic acids, vitamins, aminoacids and organic acids
Balanced content of N, P, K, B, Zn, Mn, Ca, Si, Mg, S, Cu, Ag and other Mulder’s chart minerals for soil fertility
Suppress soil pathogens due to Cu and Ag antiseptic action
Improve soil fertility with every application
Available in a form of ready-to-use spray and 100X concentrated solution
AgroBioComplex Seeds Starter

Increase seeds germination to 99%
Enhance strong viable sprouts development
Provide seeds with all nutrients needed for healthy roots, stem and leaves formation
Customized concentration of N, P, K, B, Zn, Mn, Ca, Si, Mg, S, Cu, Ag and other Mulder’s chart minerals for seeds’ and sprouts’ needs
Suppress soil pathogens due to Cu and Ag antiseptic action, protecting vulnerable young sprout
Can be used for the seeds of any plants
Extra sprays at the stage of 3 and 5 leaves results in almost all seedlings survival and growth
AgroBioComplex For Leafy Vegetables and Spices

Stimulate photosynthesis and green mass growth
Increase yield by 30-100%
Provide mycorrhiza signalling molecules, humic acids, vitamins, aminoacids and organic acids
Balanced content of N, P, K, B, Zn, Mn, Ca, Si, Mg, S, Cu, Ag and other Mulder’s chart minerals for spices and leafy vegetables
Significantly enhance aroma and taste of herbs
Organically protect from insects and disease by S, Cu, Ag and other Mudler’s chart minerals
Consumed by plants though both roots and leaves
Available in a form of ready-to-use spray and 100X concentrated solution
AgroBioComplex For Vegetables

Stimulate buds formation, flowering and fruits ripening
Increase yield by 30-100%
Provide mycorrhiza signalling molecules, humic acids, vitamins, aminoacids and organic acids
Prevents flowers and fruits drop by Zn, B, Ca, Mn, Mg, Si supply
Balanced content of N, P, K, B, Zn, Mn, Ca, Si, Mg, S, Cu, Ag and other Mulder’s chart minerals for fruiting vegetables
Significantly enhance aroma, taste and improve nutritional value
Organically protect from insects and disease by S, Cu, Ag and other Mudler’s chart minerals
Consumed by plants though both roots and leaves
Available in a form of ready-to-use spray and 100X concentrated solution
AgroBioComplex For Fruits and Berries

Stimulate buds formation, flowering and fruits ripening
Increase yield by 30-100%
Provide mycorrhiza signalling molecules, humic acids, vitamins, aminoacids and organic acids
Prevents flowers and fruits drop by Zn, B, Ca, Mn, Mg, Si supply
Balanced content of N, P, K, B, Zn, Mn, Ca, Si, Mg, S, Cu, Ag and other Mulder’s chart minerals for fruits and berries
Significantly enhance aroma, taste, increase fruits size and improve nutritional value
Organically protect from insects and disease by S, Cu, Ag and other Mudler’s chart minerals
Consumed by plants though both roots and leaves
Available in a form of ready-to-use spray and 100X concentrated solution